Gregor Meyle - Gleichgewicht


Gregor Meyle

Format: CD / LP

REL: 26.05.2023

Gregor Meyle - Gleichgewicht

Gleichgewicht - a small word with a big meaning. This probably also applies to Gregor Meyle, who is releasing his new album "Gleichgewicht" in 2022. Meyle, who once attracted attention in the TV casting show SSDSDSSWEMUGABRTLAD, has long been one of the most successful representatives of the German pop landscape. Six albums, some of them in the Top 10, five live albums, an Echo, his own label (Meylemusic), his own TV show (Meylensteine) and, last but not least, his own wine collection are among his achievements to date. Because, "not only in life is it perfect when everything is in balance - it's similar with wine," Meyle writes on his website. And so his new red wine also bears the name "Gleichgewicht".

Fans know that the singer-songwriter, who made hat, glasses and beard his trademarks, has always had a sense of musical balance. This is also shown by the first single release from "Gleichgewicht": The song "Komm kurz rüber" is a soulful ballad in Meyle-typical acoustic guitar garb, which pleads for more closeness in times of distance. A nice foretaste of the album.