Dan O Bannon, Dre Pahich, Brian Narelle


Formats: DVD/BD/Mediabooks

REL: 13.10.2023

DARK STAR - Dan O Bannon, Dre Pahich, Brian Narelle

Mid-21st century: carried by space ships, humans shoot out into space at faster-than-light speeds to populate new planets.

20 years in advance, the DARK STAR paves the way: it blasts unstable planets that could become death traps for the colonists.

Last target planet: The bomb is armed, the countdown begins. But a mistake in the airlock suddenly threatens to turn into a catastrophe.

Doolittle and his crew have 20 minutes to live. Unless they can persuade the super-bomb, equipped with a sophisticated brain, not to detonate.

Can the crew outwit the mastermind, or will they all perish in the interstellar universe?