Nicht, dass noch einer sitzenbleibt! Die Online-Omi packt den Ranzen.
Renate Bergmann
Format: 4CD
REL: 17.08.2023
Renate Bergmann - Nicht, dass noch einer sitzenbleibt! Die Online-Omi packt den Ranzen
"Teacher at school! I might like that! You know, I'm good with children. When you get older, you don't hear so well, and your nerves are also toughened up..." Renate Bergmann is aware of the shortage of teachers and, at her admittedly advanced age, offers herself as a career changer. After all, schools need not only over-studied experts, but people with life experience! When her little niece Lisbeth starts school, there is no stopping her: the online granny brushes on her best costume and takes her usual resolute approach.