Das Letzte, was du hörst
Autor: Winkelmann, Andreas
Speaker: Charles Rettinghaus
Format: 2 MP3 - Audiobook
REL: 14.06.2022
Winkelmann, Andreas - Das Letzte, was du hörst
A podcast that inspires thousands. Addictive. That brings death... Sit back. Listen to this voice. Forget your everyday life, your job, your troubles, your worries. Trust in the words. They are only for you. But be careful: once you're trapped in this world, you can't get out. That voice - it's the last thing you hear. Sarah is addicted to the podcast "Hörgefühlt". The voice of podcaster Marc Maria Hagen is like a silky pillow, his words are comfort for the soul. But Sarah has no idea what is going on behind the scenes. That death lurks behind the soft words. No.1 bestselling author Andreas Winkelmann with a new thriller that gives evil a voice.